
The bigger, the better? Does size really matter?

What is the consensus on the “the bigger, the better” attitude regarding penis size? Does size really matter, and in what way? Should you be discouraged if you or your partner has a small penis? Today, we’ll try to answer those age-old questions so that you can see penis size in a new light! 

For most women, it does

As you know, penis size, sexual confidence, and the female orgasm are all hot topics of discussion that pose many questions. For centuries, our society has glorified big dicks. It has turned them into the ultimate symbols of masculinity. Sadly, small penises have always gotten the short end of the stick, otherwise there wouldn’t be a demand for all these kinky accessories courtesy of

Fortunately, it’s almost impossible to prove that larger penises are indeed better. There is simply way too much variability in the preferences among women (and men). That makes it incredibly difficult to find large-scale evidence through scientific studies. 

Still, what multiple studies can show us is that penis size is something that most women consider when entering a relationship or thinking about their sexual preferences. In this case, the question is definitely not about bigger being better. Penis size matters to women, but that doesn’t only relate to length. Most women truly consider penis size when bonding with a new or existing partner for various reasons.

For one, the female orgasm is different for every woman, and some would prefer larger penises for deeper vaginal orgasms. Others, however, may be intimidated and could actually experience a lot of discomfort with a large penis. In this case, a small penis could feel good, if not better, to some women. Thus, size matters for women, but not in a way that most guys would think.  

When it’s too big

There are several reasons why some women are attracted to big penises. Primarily, larger penises could offer higher sexual satisfaction to women who simply enjoy a larger size. Some women could get turned on by the so-called big dick energy that well-endowed guys possess. Others would prefer a large penis because of purely sexual reasons. In fact, a few studies have been able to prove that larger sizes can produce stronger G-spot orgasms. What’s more, some size-queens might love the feeling of being stretched out more during penetration or even being able to try various acts like deepthroating during oral sex and domination. 

However, most medical studies agree that the average depth of a female vagina is around 3 inches. This means that even the average erect penis size (5 inches) could potentially feel uncomfortable to a lot of women. If it’s too big, she could experience cervix pain or even vaginal or anal tears that could lead to infections. 

One of the best ways for women to determine if they prefer bigger penises is to experiment with medium to large dildos. Dildo sex toys can allow women to find the best size for them in order to get better satisfaction. If they fantasize about their partner being “hung like a horse,” they can even try an animal dildo to see if bigger is truly better. And if they have a partner who is truly too big, experimenting with comfortable sex positions or using lots of lube will help.

When it’s too small

Theoretically, there’s no evidence that states smaller penises bring less sexual satisfaction. 

Having a smaller penis doesn’t diminish its function. What’s more, it doesn’t impact a man’s ability to reproduce. Like we’ve said, most women have a short vaginal depth. A penis that is just a bit shorter than average could be enough to satisfy them. 

Yet, it’s possible that a smaller penis could lower a guy’s sexual confidence and body image. It might make him think less of himself due to all the hype surrounding big dicks. But would women call out a small penis? 

Again, this all revolves around personal preferences and desires. Some might prefer a smaller penis because it causes less discomfort during penetration. In some cases, smaller penises could target the vaginal walls much more accurately. They could even allow the male pelvis to stimulate the clitoris with more accuracy during penetration. A lot of women also prefer girth to length and could highly enjoy a thicker but smaller penis. 

Furthermore, there are many ways to improve female satisfaction with a small penis. For example, a smaller size allows women to try many different sex positions in bed to see what suits them the most. 

Additionally, smaller penises could feel much more comfortable for anal sex and cause less pain compared to larger sizes. And there is so much more that contributes to the female orgasm aside from penis size. That includes additional stimulation of the breasts and clitoris. In some cases, women could improve their satisfaction if their partner is on the smaller side by using additional sex toys like vibrators.

So, which one is better?

As you can see, penises of all sizes have their benefits and disadvantages. The bottom line is that penis size means different strokes for different folks. That is, we can’t really settle on a specific size that all women will enjoy. 

To complicate things even further, any size will not be enough to satisfy if the man doesn’t deliver a good performance. We’ve all heard the “it’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean” saying. This is perhaps the most effective and simplest way to answer our question. Guys with bigger penises could cause a lot of damage if they do not know how to properly handle their equipment. As mentioned, that could result in pain, internal tears, or infections. Alternatively, men with smaller penises could give women some unforgettable orgasms if they deliver a great performance. Thus, having a smaller penis doesn’t instantly render men useless. Plus, it certainly doesn’t make them less desirable! 

However, since it all boils down to personal desires, there’s truly no way to know if your future partner will enjoy a larger or smaller penis. To conclude, we advise men not to be discouraged about their penis size. As we’ve said, size really does matter, but not in the way that most people think.